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Switching off - understanding the new right to disconnect
Starting August 26, 2024, employees in Australia will have a new legal right to disconnect from work-related contact outside of working hours. Under Section 333M of the Fair Work Act 2009, employees can refuse to respond to after-hours messages from employers. This change is aimed at improving work-life balance. Learn how these new rights will impact your organisation.
What should you know about workplace delegates’ rights in your organisation?
From 1 July 2024, all modern awards and enterprise agreements must include delegates' rights terms due to the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Act 2023. This change ensures workplace delegates have legislative rights to communicate with members and access workplace facilities.
Modern Award update – Pandemic leave
The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has determined it necessary to extend to 31 December Schedule X’s unpaid pandemic leave provision currently operating in 74 awards.
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